Calcul Québec present at the annual LUG conference
Simon Guilbault, a system administrator at Calcul Québec and a member of the Compute Canada Federation, will be presenting at the 2021 Lustre User Group (LUG) conference Thursday, May 20.
The annual LUG conference is the high performance computing industry’s primary venue for discussion on the open source Lustre file system and other technologies. The conference focuses on the latest Lustre developments and allows attendees to network with peers.
“Giving the right tools to users and analysts so they can improve their job performance is important for a healthy computing ecosystem” says Guilbault, “these tools have enabled an improvement for job performance for various users on the clusters, including both established users and new users.

Simon Guilbault developed a public dashboard with an aggregated and anonymized view of the filesystem metric. Users and support personnel can quickly see if there is a performance issue with the filesystem.
About the presentation : Giving easy user access to Lustre jobstats and Robinhood informations
In his talk, Simon will demonstrate improvements to a metrics collection workflow and how that data can be drilled down to show end users how they are using the filesystem as a whole, and down to each job. This system also allows user support staff to access information on user filesystem usage patterns to help with their troubleshooting.
He will also show a tool that was developed internally that provides an interface so each user can view where the inodes and space used are located in their tree.

Simon Guilbault has obtained a bachelor degree in computer engineering from Université Laval and has worked there for the last 7 years. He has a focus on HPC storage systems on the national platform of Calcul Québec and Compute Canada. Most of his work involves monitoring and system performance, from low level hardware, up to user applications.