Announcement : Board of Directors at Calcul Québec
Montreal, January 7, 2024 – We are pleased to welcome three new board members to Calcul Québec: Effrosyni Diamantoudi, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Concordia University; Éric Charton, Senior Director of Research and Development at the Montreal Computer Research Center (CRIM); and Bernard Giroux, Professor at INRS. The expertise of these new members will enhance the board’s decision-making processes.
We are also delighted to announce the appointment of Luc Stafford, Deputy Vice-Rector for Research, Discovery, Creation, and Innovation at the Université de Montréal, as the new Chair of the Board. “I am proud of Calcul Québec’s successes in various key sectors for Quebec, including genomics, medicine, neuroscience, environment, materials, and artificial intelligence. I am honored to take on this role within the board of directors. I warmly thank my colleagues for their trust. Together, we aim to continue supporting research and innovation by providing access to cutting-edge high-performance computing infrastructures and expertise,” said Luc Stafford.
The board has unanimously resolved to reconstitute its executive team: Eugénie Brouillet, Vice-Rector for Research and Creation at Université Laval, has been reappointed as Vice-Chair, and Armand Soldera, Dean of the Faculty of Science at Université de Sherbrooke, will serve as Secretary-Treasurer.
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Luc Stafford vice-recteur à la recherche, à la découverte, à la création et à l’innovation de l’Université de Montréal, nouveau président du conseil d’administration de Calcul Québec. Crédit photo : Université de Montréal
We are confident that this new team will lead Calcul Québec to renewed success and strengthen its role as a leader in serving the scientific research community.
“We are facing exciting challenges, from the rapid evolution of computing technologies to the growing complexity of architectures, which call for continuous updates to our infrastructures and services. Another key priority is expanding access to computing tools for researchers in diverse fields, such as big data analysis in social sciences, digital humanities, and cybersecurity. The arrival of the MonarQ quantum computer will further transform Quebec’s digital ecosystem, posing new challenges and opening doors to opportunities for research and innovation,” concluded Luc Stafford.
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We extend our heartfelt thanks to François Bertrand, Director of Education and Research at Polytechnique Montréal, for his leadership as Chair during the first four years of the nonprofit organization, and previously as Chair of the consortium. He will continue to contribute to the board’s work as a member. “An experienced user of high-performance computing throughout his career, François played a key role in expanding and improving Calcul Québec’s services, guiding the organization with vision and expertise to meet the growing needs of the research community,” said Suzanne Talon, Executive Director of Calcul Québec.
We also thank Alexandre Gervais, who chaired the Audit Committee, and Étienne Yergeau for their contributions and involvement on the board over the past two years. Additionally, we wish to acknowledge Martha Crago’s dedication as a board member from November 2021 to July this year.
About Calcul Québec’s Board of Directors
Calcul Québec’s Board of Directors is primarily composed of representatives from universities but also includes members from private enterprises as well as observers from the Fonds de recherche du Québec and the Ministry of Economy and Innovation.
À propos du conseil d’administration de Calcul Québec
Le conseil d’administration de Calcul Québec est constitué en majorité de représentants et représentantes des universités, mais inclut également des membres d’entreprises privées et des personnes observatrices des Fonds de recherche du Québec et du Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation.