Spring School 2023: a Successful Event
Calcul Québec held its 2023 Spring School from May 22 to 26, where we were joined by thirty participants who took part in one of the two training programs offered.

Our Spring School’s nine training sessions were taught by our analysts Maxime Boissonneault (pictured), Sarah Cameron-Pesant, Charles Coulombe, Éric Giguère, Bart Oldeman, Moïse Rousseau, Pier-Luc St-Onge and Daniel Stubbs. Participants also benefited from the expertise of Lucas Nogueira, Elie El Haber, Hélène Gingras and Suzanne Talon.
A First In-person Spring School in Three Years
We are delighted with the valuable opportunities for exchange created by the return of our in-person format. Informal discussions during meals and social events have enabled us to identify our participants’ specific needs and to guide them individually towards tools that can improve their research. Our classrooms were also a place for spontaneous interventions by means of which our analysts enhanced the content presented by our main instructor. In particular, researchers in the humanities and social sciences, as well as those interested in artificial intelligence, were able to benefit from the knowledge of our specialists.
While We’re Waiting for the Next Edition
Next September, we’ll be offering a series of introductory workshops on the tools of high-performance computing and other specialized courses. Subscribe to our training newsletter to find out when our Eventbrite page will allow you to register.