High Performance Computing for Everyone

Are you a teacher, a student, a parent or just someone curious about supercomputers and why high performance computing is important? You are in the right place !

A quantum computer named “MonarQ”

Quantum computers promise to revolutionize various research fields and industries through its extraordinary computational capabilities. But why are they special, and what makes the MonarQ computer so unique? Let’s find out together.   What is a quantum computer? Whereas a classical computer processes a single piece of information at a time, a quantum computer processes...

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Where are we going with quantum computing?

  Imagine being able to test all possible solutions to a problem in no time at all! That’s what quantum computing makes possible. But what does it mean? How does it work? Will it replace current methods? Before you throw away your personal computer, we’ll explain.   What is quantum computing? Quantum computing is a...

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From Zero to (Super)Computing

The first calculator, the abacus, the invention of the zéro, the computer keyboard… Can you date the events, discoveries and important people that led to supercomputers? The Calcul Québec team invites you on a journey through time with the card game From Zero to (Super) Computing. Composed of 40 illustrated cards, this game is for...

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Concours sciences et technologies

Samedi le 4 juin, nous avons accueilli les deux familles gagnantes du concours 2022 : la famille de Brigitte Veilleux et celle de Jacinthe Meunier. Un bel avant-midi riche en discussions avec les spécialistes Jean-François St-Pierre et Richard Lefebvre !     Concours terminé. Venez déambuler dans l’un des superordinateurs les plus puissants du Québec...

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Béluga, a supercomputer for science

Did you say SUPERcomputer? In the 1960s, a supercomputer was actually a really big computer. At the time, to get more power, we tried to manufacture bigger and bigger computer parts! This may seem logical, but we quickly realized that the laws of physics (and our wallet) prevented us from going too big. To overcome...

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