From Zero to (Super)Computing
The first calculator, the abacus, the invention of the zéro, the computer keyboard… Can you date the events, discoveries and important people that led to supercomputers?
The Calcul Québec team invites you on a journey through time with the card game From Zero to (Super) Computing. Composed of 40 illustrated cards, this game is for anyone who is curious!
Cooperate with your friends and family to place as many cards in the right place as possible.
How to play?
1- Download and print the Game Rules document.
2- Download and print the Game Cards document:
- Front and back
- In colour and on light cardboard for a better rendering
- Cut out the cards (it’s fast, we promise)
About the game
From Zero to (Super)Computing is a creation of Calcul Québec in collaboration with Art’M Créateurs associés. It can be used for free, but cannot be sold or used for commercial purposes.
Ce projet est soutenu par le ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec et le ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères de la République française, dans le cadre de la Commission permanente de coopération franco-québécoise.
Informations supplémentaires

The game includes not only the first calculator, the abacus, the zero, the computer keyboard, the transistor, the fiber optics, but also events that have marked our collective imagination such as the victory of Watson at Jeopardy, or even the anecdote of the first real computer bug.
Where can I get the cards?
You can download the game for free from the Calcul Québec website.
I need professional printed copies for my event!
Calcul Québec does not sell printed copies of the game. If you wish to have copies printed by a printer, you can contact us at for more details.
Do you have printed copies of the game or can I use it for an event?
We have a limited quantity of printed games. We offer them occasionally as prizes in partnerships and events that correspond to our mission. If you wish to have more information, you can contact us at the following email address:
How should I cite the game?
The game From Zero to (Super)Computing can be used for free but cannot be sold or used for commercial purposes. This game is available under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Credit: Calcul Québec and illustrations by Ling Wang