Compute Canada Awards of Excellence
Have you thanked your local support for advanced research computing lately?
Compute Canada’s mission to create and sustain world-class advanced research computing platforms accessible by researchers in all disciplines independent of resource or researcher location is made possible by Compute Canada’s 200+ team members: CC staff and regional and local support teams distributed from coast to coast.
The Compute Canada Awards of Excellence recognize these exceptional contributions made by Compute Canada team members, helping Canada’s research community achieve bigger, better, and faster results.
Researchers, student researchers and regional leaders can nominate a Compute Canada team member who provided exceptional support or service to a researcher or research group.
Nominate a Compute Canada Staff Member!
Step 1: Select the employee you want to nominate.
Step 2: Tell the story! Complete the “Description of Nominee” section by providing specific examples of how/why your nominee should be considered for the Award.
Step 3: Nominate someone today! Nominations are being accepted until April 22, 2016.
Contest rules
We would like to learn of compelling examples that support our organization’s guiding principles and goals. The submissions that best reflect the spirit behind the awards will be chosen.
We are asking the research community, regional directors and chief technology officers to nominate Compute Canada staff that have:
- had a significant impact on your research program
- gone above and beyond the call of duty in supporting your work, achieving a deadline, etc.
- created a tool or service that has removed barriers in your work
- created or enabled unique cross-Canada collaborations
- helped enable a group to use advanced computing who are not traditional users
Submissions are due by April 22, 2016.
Nomination Guidelines
Who is eligible for nomination?
Any active full-time or part-time Compute Canada, WestGrid, Compute Ontario, Calcul Québec or ACENET staff (excludes full-time students and faculty).
Limitations on nominations:
Self-nominations are not accepted. Past award recipients cannot be nominated if they were a recipient in the last two years beyond date of receipt.
Who may nominate?
Compute Canada account holders and regional executives.
Please note: Supporting letters are not required but are acceptable, and should not exceed a total of 5 pages.
Selection process
All nominees will be informed of their nomination. If the individual or team you have nominated is selected for an award you will be notified.
Recognition of all nominees
Being nominated for the Compute Canada Awards of Excellence is an important accomplishment. In recognition of this milestone, all nominees will be recognized with a letter of congratulations as well as posting of their name and profile on the Compute Canada website and an announcement from Compute Canada.